6.64 (v0.213)
-First update to 6.64
-Changed the default AI behaviour of creeps and towers to be the same as in the official map
-Fixed the fade on Circles of Protection belonging to other players
-Fixed some numerical errors on Bristleback's abilities
-Added some additional AI ability functionality (Black Hole, Fissure, Epicenter)
First release, updated to 6.62 and 1.24b compliant. Note that this is v0.21, and there will be bugs.
Some abilities are not working for bots yet (they learn them but don't use them), and this is expected and will be addressed in future versions.
The following game modes have been disabled for now:
-vr, -rv, -rd, -cd, -cm, -lm, -xl
The following game commands have been disabled for now:
-afk, -kickafk, -ah, -switch, -fun
Please report bugs to me.
Things that are bugs:
-Crashes with reproducible reasons
-Abilities/items not working as expected (for players or bots)
Things that are not bugs:
-Bots not using certain abilities
-Bots being too strong/weak/cheating. They do that.
Show the map DotA 6.64 non AI here
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